Batch files

Using batch files ::
Batch files are used to make things less boring and bit faster.
It works on the principle of using the cmd for various tasks.
cmd uses the folder as directories.

To begin with
Batch files work with Windows only.There are scripts that work like batch files
on Linux but they known as bash.

What it does ::
It creates a custom user set on-click application.
The application can do the autonomous task like creating a folder, opening list of folders

Starting ::
A application to create folder/s and opening them

1)create a text file with .bat extension.
2)on creating it there would be a icon on the subsequent screen where the .bat file
was created.
3)right click on the icon and select the edit mode.
4)enter the following command in the file.

@echo off <—starts the cmd and executes the command
md folder1 <—creates a folder named "folder1"
start folder1 md foldername as required.

Batch files are great tools to work around as they have many advance features, along with creating and starting a folder.
The commands that are used are highly sensitive if used carelessly it might create unwanted results.

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